Ceasefire Baby: Growing Up Under the Hope of Peace

A work in progess

The term ‘Ceasefire Baby’ is used to describe people born in Northern Ireland around the IRA Ceasefire in 1994, the ceasefire paved way to the eventual Good Friday Agreement in 1998. James Ashe was born in 1993 making him part of that Ceasefire Baby generation, and in the first generation to grow up under the hope and promises of peace with the Good Friday Agreement. This graphic memoir examines that hope of peace in 1998 and the fragile nature of peace. Out of anger at collapsed governments, losing friends in his 20’s to suicide and murder, loved ones emigrating, and the fights for LGBTQI+ Rights, Ashe intends to examine that hope and promise of peace that was made in 1998 in a graphic memoir.

This page is to archive all the early development work and updates on the project, it’s a place to share the thought process and the journey of making art.